Monday, December 15, 2008

9-Month Check-Up

For those of you that care, here are Linkyn's stats for her 9-month check-up, which we had in the very unpleasant weather today. She is 16.75 pounds and 28-3-4" tall. So, her weight is in the 15th percentile (ouch - that hurt when the doctor told me that!) and her height is in the 75th percentile. So, based on her height (super tall!), her weight is not a concern to the doctor. She is more active now - crawling, standing up, etc. He did tell me that I need to feed her more solid foods now and even try giving her some of our food.

Let me tell you about our trip to the doctor this morning in the pouring rain! It was awful. First of all, Linkyn caught a cold or something this weekend. I think it's my fault though. I took her out in her stroller at The Crossings when it was sprinkling on Saturday. I had her all bundled up, but the wind was blowing in her face, so I think that is how she got it. Anyways, she barely slept last night because of this cold (snotty face and sneezing). Appointment was at 8:45 AM (too early!). Pouring rain...traffic on the connector from the 15 to the 91. I'm late! Trying to transport her from car to stroller without getting her wet - not fun! Dropped her blanket on the pavement. Blanket is very wet now. Bottoms of my jeans are soaked. Holding my umbrella in my shirt while I grab baby. Scratching top of my car. Uggghhhhh! Doctor is late because of traffic. Thought Linkyn wasn't getting a shot today, but then doctor says a flu shot is a good idea. Linkyn and shots = not fun. Oh yeah, and I had to get a flu shot too! Anyways...that was my trip today. Sounds like fun, huh?!


Cozart Family said...

She is getting so big, thanks for the update. Sorry the day was not so fun. I think we all can relate to one of those. Hannah has her 6 mos. check up on Friday, first time with Kaiser. How about I watch Link and you take Hannah for me??? Not looking forward to shoys and hopefully not raining on top of it all.
Love you, Traci

Ami said...

Sorry to hear about your bad day. It sucks trying to get them in and out of places in the pouring rain. Hope she's feeling better.
Still no teeth for us! He did sleep through the night Saturday and didn't wake up until Justin went in his room around 8.