Monday, September 22, 2008

28 weeks = 7 months!

Okay, so for those of you that count age according to weeks. Linkyn turned 28 weeks today! So, 7 months, if you do the 4 weeks per month rule. I think I will probably stop counting the weeks now, so everyone doesn't think I'm crazy. Hehe.

6 Month Photo Shoot

I got this dress from my Oma at my baby shower and thought it would be perfect for this special picture occassion.
This is Linkyn's new Juicy Couture outfit. Compliments of Oma Linda. I of course do not buy her those outfits...hehe.
She was supposed to be holding the rose, but she wanted to eat it instead. Wonder how many other kids did the same thing. Ewww. Owell gotta build up the immune system, right?

See all of her cute little poses in the circles. If I would of bought this sheet it would of cost me $30! Versus $3.99 per sheet for traditional type pictures.
Pretty princess!We (me, sis, and my mom) took Linkyn Ann to get her 6 month pictures taken on September 12. Finally we have the pictures! I was so excited after I picked all the pictures out, went up to the cash register to pay, and then she told me to come back in two weeks to pick up the actual prints. I guess that's how it works at JC Penney. However, I did pay the extra $4.99 to get the pictures sent to me via email within 7 to 10 days. So, at least I have these ones to look at for now. I can't wait until this friday to go pick up the prints. All of Linkyn's grandparents have been waiting for wallets, 8x10s, etc! Now I need to go and buy some frames for all of these beautiful pictures! She was quite photogenic that day. Hehe. I'm turning into that crazy mom that won't stop talking about her kid.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


On September 10, I got to celebrate my birthday being a MOMMY this year and we also celebrated Linkyn's "official" 6 month birthday (she was born March 10). We went to Rosinne's Mediterranean Grille and it was delicious. Linkyn now sits in high chairs and grocery carts in her floppy seat of course. It was a great day!

Labor Day Weekend

Family photo time!
This is the cool crab raft. She has a cute lady bug one too, but that one will have to wait until she is a little older. It's for big kids.
Linkyn hanging with the girls. She's trying to get a tan. Ha. She doesn't need one. She's just like my Mom naturally golden and beautiful!
Linkyn splashing around in the water with her Daddy.
Linkyn's already driving! Thanks Grandpa Jim!
~We took Linkyn on her second river trip! This time was a lot better for her. The weather was so nice. It was cloudy and so much cooler than it usually is. Linkyn enjoyed this trip much better than her last trip. She went in the water on the lake, floated in her crab raft, and enjoyed time with her family.~