Wednesday, March 18, 2009

12-Month Well Baby Check-Up

Yesterday was Linkyn's 12-month well baby check-up. Here's her stats: Height is 2'-5" or 29" and her weight is 17 lb, 13 oz. So, she is average height and below average for her weight. Now, I have to go back in one month to check her weight. Apparently she does not weigh enough. The doctor isn't too worried about it, but said I need to feed her more. She is a bottomless pit - she eats a lot! He said she is very active and that seems to be the reason why she isn't gaining a lot of weight. Anyhow, now she is allowed to eat whatever I want and can drink whole cow's milk. Yippee! My pumping days are now over. I'm still breastfeeding though in the interim. Just not as often as usual. About twice a day now instead of 3 - 4 times a day! Aren't these mini gowns adorable! They have to wear gowns at 12 months - LoL!

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March 10

This was Link's real birthday. She is opening another present from her Omie and Grampie (my parents). She got a Juicy outfit, shoes, and bathing suit. So cute!

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Big one year old!

I think this picture speaks for itself! Yummo!

I'm ONE! Woo Hoo!

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Birthday Dinner for Linkyn

For Linkyn's First Birthday, we celebrated the weekend away at Newport Dunes RV Resort. It was a nice weekend with family and friends. There were about 7 motor homes/trailers that weekend that stayed with us! We celebrated Friday night at The Old Spaghetti Factory. Linkyn and her best friend for now (maybe boyfriend later) Blake sat side by side at dinner! It was so cute! Linkyn was stealing his gold fish off his cool little mat all night. And Blake he ordinarily doesn't like Mac N Cheese would it eat from Linkyn's plate.

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