Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Never too big for the Baby Bjorn!

So, I haven't pulled out the Baby Bjorn in a long time! I decided I needed to put Linkyn in it to see how tall she's gotten recently! She has grown so much! Ever since she is attached to my hip at all times; I mean literally, the girl is going through that phase right now where if she isn't looking at me, touching me, or within a couple feet of me, she screams!!!!!!!! Because summer is almost upon us, I am feeling the need to get my body bikini ready! Well, how do you do that, when you have a one year old! I'll tell ya how! You strap them in a Baby Bjorn and you do lunges and squats with them in your back yard! Back yard, not front yard people! Haha. My legs killed me for at least a week! She weighs around 18 pounds! Try it!

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Ami said...

Haha, I need to bust mine out and walk up and down the hills around my house. What a which from the time we went to the beach and carried them in the bjorn through the rocks.

Amy said...

GOSH it sure is nice to hear that Linkyn is really clingy right now because Taylor is horrible in that area right now. She screams if I am not holding her at all times. She does it to my mom all day too. Maybe it will pass?

Tawni716 said...

How cute ... I can't wait to put Payton in a baby carrier!

Darlene said...

NICE! I may have to borrow her and the bjorn to do some lunges too!