Wednesday, August 27, 2008

24 weeks on Monday, August 25th!

Linkyn turned 24 weeks on Monday, August 25th! She is getting so old! I can't believe it! If you do it my way, 24 weeks divided by 4 weeks per month then she is 6 months. But, yes I know there are 52 weeks in a year. So for those of you that do it that way, I see your point also. In my eyes...she's 6 months! Half way to her 1st birthday. Unreal! I better start planning that 1st birthday already! Hehe. It's going to be spectacular.


Cozart Family said...
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Cozart Family said...

Hi Dany,
Thanks for the update. Linkyn is so cute and yes, I do the math like you do. Since Hannah was born on a Friday every friday is 1 week and so a month is 4 weeks. See you this weekend.
Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle. I will add you to my list too! You are right about the time flying by. I can't believe Gavin is going to be 4 weeks old already. Well, Linkyn is super cute and a happy baby!